What is the difference between your soaps?

We make 3 kinds of soap at this moment. Normal hand and body soap, beard soap and shaving soap. The basic ingredient in all the soaps are the same, but the ratios are designed for each use. Every oil and fat the soap is made from has its own character, one cleans, one nurtures, etc. [...]

By |2016-11-18T18:20:06+01:0018 November, 2016||Comments Off on What is the difference between your soaps?

Why use PET bottles and not glass bottles for your beard oil?

Most beard oil makes use glass botlles and most of them are brown. We don’t like the look of these brown bottles, so we wanted an alternative. PET has 4 advantages. 1. They are more sustainable. Sounds a bit strange, but research showed that when you take everything into account (production, transportation etc) PET won. [...]

By |2016-11-18T18:19:59+01:0018 November, 2016||Comments Off on Why use PET bottles and not glass bottles for your beard oil?

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